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Privacy Policy

Custom Media respects your privacy. While we do collect information on customers in the course of offering, arranging and providing our services, we take measures to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of that information, particularly “customer-identifiable” data that an individual or client company reasonably expects to be kept private. Customer-identifiable information is data that can be associated with a specific individual or entity, such as a customer’s name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and online activities. Furthermore, we do not sell, trade or make unauthorized use of personal information. We will not pass on any of your personal details to other organizations. By providing us with your information and visiting our website or using Custom Media services, you accept and consent to the practices described in this privacy policy.

What information does Custom Media collect, and how do we use it?

Instances in which Custom Media collects information about you or your company include:

Information we need to provide services to you

In the course of doing business, Custom Media routinely asks for information such as your name and contact details, including phone numbers, e-mail and physical addresses. The nature of our services also regularly requires that we collect data related to your business and its processes. We will not disclose this information unless we have received your express consent to do so, with the following exceptions:

We may disclose this information to our subsidiary companies and businesses under our common corporate control. The subsidiaries and affiliated legal entities and businesses associated with Custom Media that receive your information are also bound by the terms of this privacy policy with respect to their use and disclosure of such information.

We may disclose this information if compelled by law — that is, to answer a subpoena or warrant, or in response to other legal processes. All of your information may then be transferred to and maintained on other computer networks, which may be located outside of the state, province, prefecture, country or other governmental jurisdiction in which you reside. Please be aware that the countries in which these computer networks are located may not have privacy laws as protective as the laws in your country.

Non-personally identifiable (specific or aggregated) information used to improve our services

Apart from the information we need in order to provide services to you, Custom Media may collect data that does not personally identify you as a way to monitor and improve our services and performance. For example, when you visit a web page the uniform resource locator (URL) requested is automatically recorded, as is the time and date and the browser software being used.

Specific or aggregate information may be collected to help maintain accurate accounts, assist in marketing our products and services, and to help make our website more useful to you. For example, our server recognizes your domain name and the pages that you visit. This data is gathered and periodically evaluated in an aggregate manner for quality control and improvement of our services.

Personal information you voluntarily provide for Custom Media online surveys and newsletters, and in conjunction with third-party offers

We collect information that you volunteer to us on surveys, contests and on registration pages, and use the information collected to improve your www.custom-media.com online experience.

These surveys are strictly confidential. Other than to announce contest winners, we do not disclose, sell, distribute, rent, license or pass on to any third parties your personal information without your consent.

From time to time Custom Media may form relationships with other organizations to bring you special offers, contests and subscriptions. As a matter of policy, we require the third party conducting any offer, contest or subscription to clearly state its intentions regarding the information gathered, and to attach its privacy policy as a hyperlink to the offer, contest or subscription.

The terms and conditions of the offer should also be clearly stated. Please read this information carefully, and understand that it is your own choice should you disclose your personally identifiable information to the third party involved.

Custom Media enters into third-party business relationships with care, and we will not share, disclose or sell any personally identifiable information collected at our site with third-party companies or organizations unless the above conditions are met.

Using your contact details

We may use your contact details (e-mail address, phone number, and so on) for any purpose for which you provided it. We may also use it to respond to feedback given about our site or services, to provide you with information you have requested, to respond to or confirm receipt of communications from you, or if we need to contact you for any reason.

How do we protect your personal information?

We employ high technology to ensure that your information is protected from unauthorized access and improper use. We strive hard to maintain an environment free of unauthorized interference and one that is safe from manipulation or theft. These systems are periodically updated and tested to ensure an ongoing safe environment for your private data.

Custom Media rejects “spam”

“Spam” is the Internet term for unsolicited commercial e-mail. Custom Media does not and has never supported or condoned this marketing practice.

Marketing e-mail from Custom Media will always be opt-in/opt-out. This means that you will not receive any commercial or marketing e-mail from us unless you have met with one of our representatives or have specifically requested it. In addition, all commercial e-mail will contain an opt-out or unsubscribe function. You can send us a message telling us you would prefer not to receive e-mail again and we will respect your wishes.

We may also send you general information about services we offer via regular mail or e-mail. Each time we do, we will give you the opportunity to opt out or unsubscribe, should you choose not to receive further communications of that type.

Privacy protection for children using the Internet

Custom Media does not market to children or collect information online from children younger than eighteen years of age. We also do not solicit or collect customer-identifiable information targeted at children and teenagers under eighteen, or allow anyone else to do so on the Custom Media website.

External sites, preserving your online privacy and posting of personal information

  • Custom Media has no control over the content or privacy policies of other websites we may link to, and we take no responsibility for the conduct of these companies. Always read the Terms and Conditions section when accessing a website.
  • Always close your browser and log out once you have finished surfing the Internet to prevent other people from gaining access to your information and correspondence.

Notification of Policy Changes

We will notify you about significant changes to our privacy policy by placing a prominent notice on this website. In some instances, we may also send a notice to the primary e-mail address we have for you.